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Khantoke is a traditional Northern Thai style of dining that is served on a low table called a toke. The meal is accompanied by a cultural performance of traditional music and dance. It's a great way to experience the local culture cuisine while being entertained by the beautiful performances.

Traditional Street Food

Thai market food is a feast for the senses. The vibrant colors, fragrant aromas, and bold flavors are sure to tantalize your taste buds. From spicy curries to savory noodle dishes, there's something for everyone to enjoy. 


Food Making Work Shops

Join our Thai cuisine workshops and learn how to make delicious savory dishes and sweet desserts. Our experienced chefs will guide you through the process of creating authentic Thai flavors using fresh ingredients and traditional techniques. Whether you're a beginner or an cook, our workshops are perfect for anyone who loves Thai food and wants to learn how to make it home.

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